June Awareness 2023

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June is Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Awareness Month

Join us in continuing to support Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida in Canada

June is  Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus  (SB&H) Awareness month in Canada. It is estimated that 120,000 Canadians are living with hydrocephalus. 85% of those impacted by  hydrocephalus also have spina bifida. Hydrocephalus Canada (HC) bridges research, awareness  and innovation with advocacy, education and support to empower people impacted by hydrocephalus and spina bifida to experience their best life. To highlight the conditions and  celebrate those living with the conditions, HC and other Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus organizations across Canada encourage our communities to raise awareness through various activities and fundraising campaigns. 

This June is extra impactful for us because our organization is celebrating 50 years of incredible service and leadership. Over the past five decades, Hydrocephalus has achieved remarkable milestones, impacting countless lives through its programs, initiatives and services. From providing support groups to the community to advocating for more brain health research in Canada, the organization has consistently demonstrated its commitment to creating lasting change.

We encourage you to champion our June activities, spread awareness in your communities and share your engagement online. Check out how you can get involved and celebrate with us.

Join Our Dream Circle:

The Dream Circle monthly giving program provides a sustainable, ongoing source of funding that allows us to continue to do all that we need to do, while also reducing administrative costs.  Your monthly gift will help us to find the answers our families, friends, — and everyone affected by spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus so desperately needs. By joining the Dream Circle, you will take us one step closer to our dream – the  healthiest life possible for those with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

2x the impact  if you choose to give generously and donate in the month of June, you give HC a chance to WIN $20,000 during the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. Every $1 donated gives us a chance to win, so the more donations we get this month the greater chance we have to earn more money. Make your contribution go long away 


Share on Social Media

Calling all our amazing friends and supporters! Help us spread the word by sharing our message! By sharing social posts on your channels, you’re helping us reach more people and raise awareness about SB&H. Let’s create a positive impact and inspire others to join our mission. Share now and be a part of the change! #SpreadTheWord #MakeADifference #SBHTOGETHER

Ways to Show Support:

  • Share our SB&H June Awareness posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn poster on social media (*** Your can directly download the image)
  • Share or print our SB&H Poster
  • Show your support on social media by using the following hashtag #SBHTogether
  • Forward this social toolkit to your own friends, family and community. Spread the word!
  • We are highlighting SB&H  stories all month long. Share your story with us, we want to hear your Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida stories

Host a Spirit Wheel Walk Run This Summer

Get creative this June and register your very own Spirit Wheel Walk Run (SWWR) Awareness and  Fundraising event! A SWWR can be any type of activity, such as an online Facebook fundraiser, lemonade stand or in-person walk/wheel/run in your favourite park or local neighbourhood. The fun part is you get to be creative with your event and invite your family and friends to join you in raising awareness and funds for the SB& H community!

Check out Troy’s Trail to see how they have been raising awareness in Sault  Ste. Marie as they celebrate 12 years of making a difference in their community. 

The 50,000 Kms Challenge for 50 years: A Journey to Make a Difference

Are you ready to embark on an incredible journey for a worthy cause? Introducing the 50,000 Kms Challenge—an exciting initiative aimed at raising awareness and celebrating our 50th year milestone. Join us as we collectively strive to cover a staggering 50,000 kilometers and create lasting awareness in our communities. We will be collecting kilometers starting June 1st and keeping it going all the way to for World SB&H day on October 25th. 

You can walk, run, wheel, dance, bike or anything that gets your moving to track your KM’s. Download the app HERE and track your progress. If you have smart watches, step apps or phones that track your movement, share them with us at info@hydrocephalus.ca.

Canada Is Connecting This Year!

“Hugs for Hydrocephalus & Smiles for Spina Bifida” is back this June. This is your chance to share your Hugs & Smiles pictures or videos and a few words telling your story or message to someone you care about.  We’ll feature your photo and dedication on our social media channels and website so that the special people you care about will feel the love. Email submissions to  info@hydrocephalus.ca and each entry will also be included in a random prize draw. 

To keep the excitement going with our Blue Wave Across Canada, HC lit up iconic Canadian landmarks in honour of SB&H June  Awareness Month. For the second time ever, Niagara Falls was illuminated on June 5th and the CN  Tower was lit up on June 12th in Hydrocephalus Canada’s shades of blue. Going beyond Ontario, The High Level Bridge in Edmonton will also be lit up in blue. We will also have the Halifax Waterfront Square Lighthouse shine on behalf of HC. 

More Ways to Show Support

  • Par for the Cause: We announced earlier this month our 16th Annual Charity Golf Tournament in support of programs and services for HC is back this September. Check out all our details HERE and make sure to sign up for your foursome early. 
  • WearBlue: Show support this June by wearing blue this month and snap a selfie; don’t forget to tag us on social media

Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get the latest updates for June Awareness month. 


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