My Husband’s Journey with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus

By: Lorraine Newlove My husband Frank’s journey began in the Spring of 2011. We had been retired by then for nearly 19 years. We try to stay active and enjoy […]
Open Letters to Mom

By: Amberlea Wouda This is Claire. Our beautiful daughter. Our second born, planned for, always wanted and incredibly special little miracle. When people look at her they often don’t even […]
Support & Focus Vital to Coping with Physical & Emotional Impact of NPH

By: John Thompson I am a 57-year-old with adult onset Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH). Living with NPH is challenging, but I try to take it one day at a time […]
Gilda Katz: Five Years After My Shunt Was Installed

I hope this article will offer some encouragement and guidance to adults with late onset hydrocephalus and their families. As I start writing this, five years almost to the date […]
Laura Gattensby: A New Life Chapter with Hydrocephalus

In December of 2016 at the age of 46 I was supposed to begin an exciting new chapter in my life. After a year working with contractors and city inspectors […]